Our Easter Egg Tradition

These are beautiful–I’m going to try these next year! I’ve often dyed eggs with onion skins for Passover, but I love the nature patterns!

Mrs. Twinkle

I’ve just realised that I did a post like this last year, it has obviously become a bit of a family tradition. So here goes for you want to give it a try…

All you’ll need is:
-eggs (raw)
-leaves or grasses
-old tights
-onion skins

While we took our dog out, the kids enjoyed collecting leaves, flowers and even an empty snail shell (not that we could use that for the eggs).

Once we got home, we put the leaves and flowers on the eggs. Fixed them with some old tights, tied them up with some thread…

…and boiled them for 10 minutes in the onion skins.

Happy Easter!

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