

It is with mixed feelings of relief and regret that I post the zinnia, the last flower of the month and of the A to Z Challenge.  Zinnias are part of the daisy/aster family and are very easy to grow and the flowers last a long time.  In flower language, they mean endurance or also thoughts or remembrance of friends.

Today is a cool, rainy day in Chicago.  And I’m worn out.  I had a ton of things I wanted to get done, but I’ve only managed to get a few finished.  I’ll get a couple more things done for school, too, before I call it a day.  I could use some zinnia energy today!

Anyhow, I’ll do a review post of A to Z, but I’ve really enjoyed it.  I’ve met new blogging friends and learned some things about flowers and learned a lot about using photoshop.

To see what other bloggers are saying about


look here.

Thank you for stopping by!


I love to create all sorts of things--art, stories, blogs, handwork, food. Also, I like to teach and coach- to inspire people to trust their own inner knowing and creativity. I try to bring wonder and whimsy wherever I go. In over 20 years as a Waldorf teacher, I had the honor to work with my wee and wondrous children. They remind me every day of what's important

7 thoughts on “Zinnia–#AtoZChallenge

  1. Very pretty flower. 🙂

    I’m always both relieved and saddened by the end of April A-Z. You spend months preparing, struggle to stay caught up, and before you know it, it’s over! In fact, I’m still getting caught up from falling behind in April.

    With Love,

    • Thanks! I’m still getting caught up too. Between A to Z and the end of the school year quickly approaching (and my daughter graduating from college) I won’t be caught up for a while.

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